Precious teacher that gives you the resources to find your own path and the inner teacher inside. So much respect and love for David Garrigues.

Saturday Led Class 9:00-10:30

Casa Vinyasa, Vevey


October retreat 2021, Beau-Site

Montreux Shala

Montreux Shala

My dear Maestra Kristina Karitinou

Workshop, Lausanne.

Sanding sequence Workshop, Yoga Flame, Lausanne.

Led Primary Series, Montreux Shala

Ashtanga Yoga Vevey | Casa Vinyasa

Led Primary Series, Montreux Shala

Yoga Flame Workshop, Lausanne.

Diving deeper into the primary series

September retreat 2020 Beau-site

5:30 am, Montreux Shala