David Garrigues
Weekend Intensive and Mysore Practice
I am thrilled to announce that my dear teacher, David Garrigues, an internationally renowned Certified Senior Ashtanga teacher, will be teaching a Weekend Intensive and Mysore Practice in Vevey. This workshop is suitable for anyone interested in Ashtanga with a motivation to learn. David is skillful in providing explanations of elusive, often unspoken aspects of the practice. In a weekend workshop he offers clinic style led classes that investigate specific aspects of the practice that help students come to new perspectives on how to practice more intelligently, safely, and joyfully.

June 7-12, 2024
Weekend Intensive
Friday, June 7th
18:30 – 20:00pm — YOGA SUTRAS TALK ON BOOK 1, SUTRA 20
An interactive class with light asana and chanting
Saturday, June 8th
9am-11:30am — “LIMBS STOP, SPINE GOES!”
The asana lover’s mantra for mastering the 3rd limb of yoga
Sunday, June 9
Connect to the earth and awaken the spine.
Magical and potent technology of vinyasa in Ashtanga Yoga.
Price: 280 CHF
Mysore Practice
Monday 10 – Wednesday 12
David is teaching from 6h45 – 8:15
You can use the practice room from 6:30 – 8:45
Price: 120 CHF
- I will be assisting David and translating instructions if you have trouble understanding English.
- No refund or cancelation after booking
Bank info
Rue du College 19,
Vevey 1800
CH89 0025 5255 1144 4240 Y
Price: 120 CHF

For 30 years David Garrigues has maintained an enthusiastic personal practice that is dedicated to asana and pranayama study in the Ashtanga tradition. He is an internationally recognized yoga teacher and creator of the Asana Kitchen video instruction series that is one of the leading online yoga learning resources. His intense dedication to hatha yoga has created a diverse, soulful, open hearted, and serious global learning community. David’s mission is to help students of yoga flourish within the living, contemporary lineage of Ashtanga Yoga. He aims to be a part of the circle of hatha yoga lovers who are devoted to applying the teachings of Ashtanga yoga in ways that promotes physical, psychological, and spiritual growth in themselves and others.
In his workshops David offers a combination both traditional counted vinyasa led classes and clinic style led classes that investigate specific aspects of the practice in varying levels of detail. These important classes feature more verbal instruction; they give students a chance to slow things down, see new ways to orient during practice, get explanations of elusive, often unspoken aspects of the practice, and understand the Ashtanga method in greater, more subtle detail. Mysore, chanting and kirtan classes are also frequently included in a workshop. During the weekend David weaves together studies of asana, pranayama, bandhas, vinyasa, chanting, bhakti yoga, yoga sutras and other elements to help develop Ashtanga Vidya

Class Description
David will choose a medley of asanas to teach one of Hatha Yoga’s greatest asana mantras. Understanding how these words manifest themselves in your pose will change how you approach every asana in your practice.
The first part of this class will help you better understand how to make progress in all back bends through a study of the foundational back bends of second series. We’ll look into how to create a sound, well grounded foundation in each asana. Focusing on setting a foundation leads you to find an aligned, nectar yielding spinal position. We will also look at strategies for creating smooth transitions into and out of the asanas, and how to effectively and economically combine repetition, rhythm, breathing, and in order to learn how to stay longer and with more ease in the asanas. Lastly we’ll look into how to devise strategies for how to either increase or decrease the challenge of the positions depending on how you choose to
approach your work. The second part of this class will focus on how 2nd series offers many excellent opportunities for building strength in new and different ways, offering an excellent compliment to the primary. We’ll study new and unique ways to develop strength through cultivating intelligence and discipline in the transitions between asanas. We also study the strength building possibilities in such individual foundational postures as Bakasana, Pincha Mayurasana, Karandavasana, Mayurasana, Nakrasana, and the 7 Sirsasana positions that complete the series. We’ll also take a careful look at how the inversions in 2nd and in the finishing sequence can play an important role in strength building.
This class is devoted to pranayama, chanting, and discussion of the central role breathing plays in attaining success in practice. This class will utilize breathing exercises, retention, and discussion, to help you better centralize your awareness on breath during practice.
We’ll study how to use breathing to build powerful strength in your asanas and to effect nadi shodana, purification of the pranic channels. Prana Vidya, knowledge of prana, helps you to progress towards subtlety as you concentrate your mind and better direct the power of the internalized prana. We’ll discuss how cleansing is not limited to the tapas that you create during practice, but rather how purification is a central theme that encompasses all aspects of your life. We’ll explore how to access awareness of your more subtle energy channels through breathing and how to better direct this energy both on and off the mat.

Yoga Sutras Talk on Book 1, Sutra 20
Study of the Yoga Sutras offers key insights on how to better work with your mind in your daily asana practice. David will give a talk on book 1, sutra 20; this is one of the most famous sutras in Patanjali’s, Yoga Sutras, and talks about the 5 qualities to cultivate for progress in practice.
This unique combination of qualities are meant to be cultivated and are the gifts of your practice. They can be thought of as 5 jars that you want to fill and keep filling. David will discuss each one of these powerhouse words in this talk.
This special class for teachers or students who want an in-depth look at the vinyasa of Ashtanga Yoga will focus on how proper vinyasa knowledge extends beyond memorizing the number of positions of the asana; you are also meant to know the vinyasa positions dynamically within your body. There is a great art to understanding the subtle progressions of movement that bring you into and out of each asana, exploring this refinement is what brings you into readiness, poise, beauty and alignment in your postures. We’ll look at how such vinyasa knowledge helps you understand how to refine your awareness and to learn to see the practice as chiefly dhyana, meditation.
Mysore class provides the student with a concentrated and heightened learning experience that will help he/she develop practical and technical yoga skills and be immersed in the inspirational magic and poetic soul of the practice.Each student will receive valuable one to one guidance from David on developing his/her personal practice. The student will develop skill in applying the practice techniques in ways that are logical, challenging, intelligent and fun. David focuses on learning how to follow the Ashtanga system and at the same time creating a practice that honors individuality, versatility and creativity.