
Breath, Bandhas, Drishti, Vinyasa

November 2nd

November 3rd

Bank info

Delara Tiv
Rue du College 19,
Vevey 1800
CH89 0025 5255 1144 4240 Y
Price: 315 CHF-

Fundamentals of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

The most visible aspect of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system is the different yoga asanas (postures), more important though is the invisible content, which initially is built on three foundational techniques: Breath, Bandha and Drishti.  The postures can be seen like beads, and these  foundational techniques the string that holds them together. The system is designed to work as a movement meditation, where the transition from each posture to the next are as important as the postures themselves, Vinyasa.

In this workshop we will revisit and deepen our understanding of these foundations.

Bandha – Skillfully channeling and managing our energy, resources, and capacities.
Dṛṣṭi – Yoga, awareness and perception, cultivating 360 degree equivision
Ujjayi – Victory in the context of yoga, working with prāṇa and the gifts of the breath
Vinyasa –Developing skill in action, embracing the concept of karmasu kauśalam (yoga as an art of action).

What makes this intensive different from studying with other yoga teachers?

As in every workshop with Delara, she brings her background as a Rolfing Structural Integration Therapist and movement educator, inviting us to embody and deeply understand processes like breathing, gazing, perception, and energy channeling. She offers a unique approach that differs from what we’ve encountered with other teachers. 

The way we perceive gazing, for example, can shift our internal experience, transitioning from an Alpha nerve loop to Gamma and activating entirely different nerves, myo-fascia, muscles, and spinal dynamics to execute movement. Our perception of space—both within and outside, our relationship to vectors projected from the deep core—can result in a profoundly different experience of breathing, stabilising and expressing ourselves in gravity. 

We will also situate these perspectives in relation to broader teachings of Yoga. This will help deepen your understanding of the 8 limbs of yoga and how to integrate them into everything you do, both on and off the mat.

In addition, James Boag will also be covering how the Vinyasa method we practice is rooted in haṭha yoga techniques intended to facilitate the practice of rāja yoga. Understanding how haṭha yoga relates to rāja yoga can  profoundly enrich and transform your practice.

Join us for a deep dive into these transformative practices!

Teachers: Delara Tiv & James Boag

Price for the entire weekend : 315 CHF-
If you have complementary health insurance, you may be eligible for reimbursement for this workshop, as well as for classes with Delara, since she is a therapist covered by all health insurance providers, except Visana. For more details, please contact Delara.

Breath, Bandhas, Drishti, Vinyasa

Fundamentals of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Bandha – on channeling and working skilfully with our human energy, resources and capacities
Dṛṣṭi – Yoga, awareness and perception, cultivating 360 degree equivision
Ujjayi – Victory in the context of yoga, working with prāṇa and the gifts of the breath
Vinyasa – skilfulness in action, karmasu kauśalam and apprenticeship

November 2nd

November 3rd

Bank info

Delara Tiv
Rue du College 19,
Vevey 1800
CH89 0025 5255 1144 4240 Y
Price: 315 CHF-


Gregor Maehle & Monica Gauci

September 7-12, 2024

Weekend Intensive – Gregor Maehle

Saturday 7

8h00-10h30 Guided Ashtanga Practice
11h30 – 13h00: Bhakti Yoga – Yoga of Love
13h00 – 13h30: Break
13h30- 15h30: Karma Yoga – how to find your life’s divine purpose

Sunday 8

9h00-11h30 The Breath of Yoga – Pranayama and Kriya
11h30-12h30h: Break
12h30-15h00 : Tantric Meditation
Price: 300 CHF
* No refund or cancelation after booking
*Taught exclusively in English

Mysore Practice – Gregor Maehle & Monica Gauci

Monday 9 – Thursday 12

6h30 – 9h00
Price: 160 CHF

Bank info

Rue du College 19,
Vevey 1800
CH89 0025 5255 1144 4240 Y
Price: 120 CHF

July 9 -14 Summer Program

Teachers: Delara Tiv & James Boag

Sādhana, Sovereignty and The Ocean of Yoga Practice

Join us for one-week yoga immersion this summer and experience the profound benefits of re-aligning your body, mind, and spirit. Gift yourself this unique opportunity to reconnect with your inner self amidst the busyness of life, without needing to take time off work or go on vacation, and escaping your daily responsibilities and commitments. It’s about integrating these practical ancient teachings into our daily lives.

By committing to daily asana, pranayama, meditation and exploring the wisdom of time-proven texts, you will gain a fresh perspective that offers insight and solutions, guiding you towards your sacred life purpose and deep values. This is an opportunity to reset and reassess the direction, priorities, goals, and intentions in your life.

By returning to or strengthening your daily practice, you will cultivate equanimity, balance, and a sense of stability and harmony even amidst life’s challenges and chaos. These qualities will permeate every aspect of your life, influencing your actions, relationships, lifestyle, work, decision making and day-to-day activities. Join us on this transformative journey to enhance your well-being and discover the power of yoga in everyday life.


Tuesday & Thursday :
 6:30 – 8:30 Mysore Class
 8:30 – 9:00 Pranayama (optional)

Wednsday & Friday:
 7:00 – 8:30 Guided Practice  (Vinyasa Krama)  
 8:30 – 9:00 Pranayama (optional)

8:00 -10:00 Mysore Class
10:30 – 12:30 Practical Philosophy, Mythology (In French with James)

8:00 – 9:45 Led Primary Series
10:30 – 12:30 Practical Philosophy, Mythology (In French with James)  

Cost for the week intensive is 280 CHF
Weekend only 160 CHF


Weekend Intensive and Mysore Practice

I am thrilled to announce that my dear teacher, David Garrigues, an internationally renowned Certified Senior Ashtanga teacher, will be teaching a Weekend Intensive and Mysore Practice in Vevey.  This workshop is suitable for anyone interested in Ashtanga with a motivation to learn. David is skillful in providing explanations of elusive, often unspoken aspects of the practice. In a weekend workshop he offers clinic style led classes that investigate specific aspects of the practice that help students come to new perspectives on how to practice more intelligently, safely, and joyfully.


David Garrigues

June 7-12, 2024

Weekend Intensive

Friday, June 7th

18:30 – 20:00pm — YOGA SUTRAS TALK ON BOOK 1, SUTRA 20
An interactive class with light asana and chanting

Saturday, June 8th

9am-11:30am — “LIMBS STOP, SPINE GOES!”
The asana lover’s mantra for mastering the 3rd limb of yoga

Sunday, June 9

Connect to the earth and awaken the spine.
Magical and potent technology of vinyasa in Ashtanga Yoga.
Price: 280 CHF

Mysore Practice

Monday 10 – Wednesday 12

David is teaching from 6h45 – 8:15
You can use the practice room from 6:30 – 8:45
Price: 120 CHF

James Hatha Yoga Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Vevey

James Boag

MAY 4, 2024 11h00-14h00

Interactive Talk and Kīrtan: Sūrya Namaskāra and Becoming Our Own True Friend (in French)

Deepen your understanding of the rich layers of meaning encoded in the practice of Sūrya Namaskāra. Learn about essential teachings from the Yoga Sūtra and Bhagavad Gītā we can apply in all aspects of life. Experience the healing, cleansing power of kīrtan and Saṁskṛta sound. Join us for an inspiring and empowering exploration of practical teachings from the heart of the yoga tradition and the uplifting practice of kīrtan.

Weaving together practical teachings from the Yoga Sūtra and Bhagavad Gītā, and exploring the the rich symbolism of Sūrya Namaskāra along the way, this satsang gathering with James will take us to the heart of the perenially practical principles of the yoga tradition and leave us with rich insights we can apply in our daily lives and practice.

Price: 60 CHF

Kapala Asana headstand

Sirsasana & Pincha Mayurasana

Oct 9th 9h-11h, Casa Vinyasa Vevey

Sirsasana _ King of Asanas

Sirsasana (headstand) is one of the main poses of Hatha Yoga, and referred to as the “King of asanas”, because of the abundant benefits it has on every level; physiologically, mentally, and energetically.
In this workshop we will explore proper shoulder alignment and arm strength as our foundation, defining the optimum curves of the spine, engagement of the legs, relationship of the ribs and pelvis, the role of the diaphragm, and most importantly the right sequencing of movements and coordination. To protect the cervicals for a sustainable lifelong asana practice embodying the role of the arms as support and foundation in headstand is essential.
We will start with variations of headstands and adapting the difficulty for those working on a solid Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand) , and being able to challenge themselves further if interested.
Once we understand and embody the ABCs of headstands many other doors and challenges will be unlocked in our asana practice, and out of the headstand foundation many other shapes and forms emerge along the central axis, upside down.
We will use these inversions to cultivate strength of mind to overcome fear & doubt, to maintain full awareness, a steady mind, breath and concentration in postures that could trigger the autonomic nervous system.

Yoga is mind training, using the body as the vehicle. 

Fundamentals of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

The most visible aspect of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system is the different yoga asanas (postures), more important though is the invisible content, which consists of three fundamental techniques: Breath, Bandhas and Drishti. The postures represent beads, and the three fundamental techniques form the string that holds the beads together to create a mala (necklace). The system is designed to work as a movement meditation, where the transition from each posture to the next are as important as the postures themselves, Vinyasa.

In this workshop we will revisit and deepen our understanding of these foundations.

Ashtanga Yoga Vevey

Breath, Bandhas, Drishti, Vinyasa

Feb 13, 2022 9h-11h Casa Vinyasa

There will be a 45 min lecture followed by applying the foundations going through Surya Namaskar A & B 

The sun salutations are the foundation of our Asana practice. Understanding and practicing this sequence with full  awareness will allow us to understand and to properly do the asanas that proceed.

One can dig really deep in to this sequence which is taken very lightly. Many practitioners rush through the sequence and are more focused with more amusing and complicated asanas that come after. As students advance quickly they will realise that they can only go so far and that at some point they will get stuck. Unfortunately injuries and some chronic irritation and pain starts to show up somewhere in the body, leading to frustration and in some cases abandoning the practice. If we don’t have a strong foundation we can’t build a house on top and eventually it will crumble.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an internal practice not an exercise!

Price: 50 CHF

Fundamentals of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

The most visible aspect of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system is the different yoga asanas (postures), more important though is the invisible content, which consists of three fundamental techniques: Breath, Bandhas and Drishti. The postures represent beads, and the three fundamental techniques form the string that holds the beads together to create a mala (necklace). The system is designed to work as a movement meditation, where the transition from each posture to the next are as important as the postures themselves, Vinyasa.

In this workshop we will revisit and deepen our understanding of these foundations.

There will be a 45 min lecture followed by applying the foundations going through Surya Namaskar A & B 

The sun salutations are the foundation of our Asana practice. Understanding and practicing this sequence with full  awareness will allow us to understand and to properly do the asanas that proceed.

Ashtanga Yoga Vevey

Breath, Bandhas, Drishti, Vinyasa

Feb 13, 2022 9h-11h Casa Vinyasa

One can dig really deep in to this sequence which is taken very lightly. Many practitioners rush through the sequence and are more focused with more amusing and complicated asanas that come after. As students advance quickly they will realise that they can only go so far and that at some point they will get stuck. Unfortunately injuries and some chronic irritation and pain starts to show up somewhere in the body, leading to frustration and in some cases abandoning the practice. If we don’t have a strong foundation we can’t build a house on top and eventually it will crumble.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an internal practice not an exercise!

Price: 50 CHF

Ashtanga Yoga Vevey

March 5, 2022 14h-16h Yoga Flame

Arm Balances Foundations & Coordination

Delara will be sharing with you her expertise as a Rolfer Structural Intégration therapist and a life time student of movement working with quality of movement and perception to increase proprioception, intelligence and awareness to understand how you are assembling and activating your body in gravity to balance on your arms.

Working on muscle strength is only a part of the equation.The brain and the motor neurones do not perceive separated muscles. They understand movement. When we change our perception and intention of movement, we coordinate differently and recruit and engage distinct parts of the body.

Correct coordination and technique allows for a lifetime of sustainable practice, happy shoulders and wrists no matter how intense and complicated is your asana practice.

This workshop is suitable for practitioners with an already established yoga practice.

Price: 49 CHF 

Ashtanga Yoga Vevey

March 5, 2022 14h-16h Yoga Flame

Arm Balances Foundations & Coordination

Delara will be sharing with you her expertise as a Rolfer Structural Intégration therapist and a life time student of movement working with quality of movement and perception to increase proprioception, intelligence and awareness to understand how you are assembling and activating your body in gravity to balance on your arms.

Working on muscle strength is only a part of the equation.The brain and the motor neurones do not perceive separated muscles. They understand movement. When we change our perception and intention of movement, we coordinate differently and recruit and engage distinct parts of the body.

Correct coordination and technique allows for a lifetime of sustainable practice, happy shoulders and wrists no matter how intense and complicated is your asana practice.

This workshop is suitable for practitioners with an already established yoga practice.

Price: 49 CHF 

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